Healthcare By: Kendall guagenti

Access to Healthcare Impacts

Things such as- Overall physical, social, and mental health status • Prevention of disease and disability • Detection and treatment of health conditions • Quality of life (Unit 6)

Limited access to health care impacts people's ability to reach their full potential, negatively affecting their quality of life. Things like high costs or unavailability can lead to unmet health problems, and many other problems that could've been prevented.

Understanding Access

Coverage- "Lack of adequate coverage makes it difficult for people to get the health care they need and, when they do get care, burdens them with large medical bills"(Unit 6).

Services- it is very important to have a primary care provider and a good relationship with them. It will increase the likelihood of you receiving proper care.

Timeliness- timeless is very important. Health care decreases the amount of time you have to wait for usual and major health concerns.

Workforce- "PCPs play an important role in the general health of the com- munities they serve. However, there has been a decrease in the number of medical students interested in working in primary care"(Unit 6).

Personal Connection

One time, I had to go to my primary care physician for reoccurring headaches that only happened on one side of my head, which would occur everyday at the same time. Since I have health insurance, and a good relationship with my physician, I was able to get a proper diagnosis of cluster headaches, and received immediate proper treatment.


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