Domain Eukarya Classification And Taxonomy

Kingdom Animalila

all animals are heterotropic also have no cell walls fish are in the animalia catorgoie

kingdom animala are multicellular and rarely produce asexually they mostly reproduce sexually

all of the different types of species that fall under kingdom animalia fall under motile because they can all move

asexual reproduction in animals examples are starfish and a hydra a hydra is a type of jellyfish

kingdom animalia species all of eukaryotic cells such as this butterfly

how movement is achived in the kingdom animalia it has a system called musculoskletal system and it allows the species to move using legs,fins,and wings

all animals have diploid cells, eggs and sperm are haploid cells with only one copy of genetic material

creatures of kingdom animalia fall into one of their nine major phyla, or subgroups, and range from dogs to spiders to jellyfish

cells are divied into specialized tissues or organs

humans also known as homo sapiens are in the kingdom animalia and we dont have chlorophyll none of the animalia kingdom have chlorophyll if it did we would be plants

1 cladogram
2 cladogram
3 cladogram
4 cladogram

Kingdom plantae

all living things in the plantae kingdom are autotrophic

all living things in this kingdom are multicellular

all things in this kingdom are nonmotile which means they can not move to one place to another

some are asexual but that rarely happens usually sexual reproduction

in this kingdom cell walls are made of cellulose

we need the plantae kingdom because it relases oxygen into the atmosphere

this kingdom goes through photosynthesis

plants have chlorophyll, a green pigment necessary for photosynthesis

did you know plants have been around for millions of years and plants have been on earth before animals

the plantae kingdom is broken down into smaller and smaller divisions based on the plants charterastics

this kingdom has simple prokaryotic cells and has complex eukaryotic cells like animals and plants

they get their food by decomposing matter or eating off their hosts as parasites and do not possess chlorphyll like plants

they reproduce through numerous spores rather then pollen fruit or seeds and are eukaryotic

all things in this kingdom are all heterotrophic and nonmotile

some have asexual or sexual reproduction

they are rarely unicellular generally multicellular

there cell walls are made of chitin

people who study or specialize in the study of fungi are called myclogists and this kingdom is more similar to the animalia kingdom then the plantae kingdom

many funginare used as food such as mushrooms and truffles fungi plays a important role in decomposition also some fungi are used to kill bacteria that can cause infections and disease in humans

it is estimated that there are at least 1.5 million different types of fungi also the fungus trichoderma is sometimes used in the process when making stone washed jeans

Kingdom protisa

this right here is algae now this kingdom is built for things that arent plants animals or fungi its the junk drawer of taxonmy

this is kelp this kingdom is asexual reproduction

this is seaweed and in this kingdom some are autotrophic or heterotrophic

slime molds are apart of the protists kingdom can you belive its not a fungi

this is called amoeba proteus and in this kngdom is rarely unicellular

and this is called paramecium aurelia and some of these things in this kingdom are motile or nonmotile

pediastrum boryanum is what this is called also known as green algae

this is a diatom protist and did you know this kingdom is eukaryotic microorganisms with a fairly simple cell structure

protists gather food in different ways such as eating their food and digesting it internally or others digest their food outside of their bodies by secrecting enzymes

also did you know many protists act as pathogens to humans this means they cause diseases


Created with images by BioDivLibrary - "n200_w1150" • Hardrockster - "fish feeding sea" • Aboeka - "lions zoo animal" • TomaszProszek - "jay bird konar" • Anna Barnett - "Starfish" • tonynetone - "Hydra" • Danny Chapman - "Blue butterfly" • sharedferret - "Insect" • Life-Of-Pix - "polar bear bear arctic" • diego_torres - "deer animal richmond" • © Axel Naud - "26/365 - Kitty" • Pezibear - "person human child" • Andrewkim - "lotus nature plants" • Free the Image - "Pleased to meat you." • cocoparisienne - "cranesbill blossom bloom" • oom_endro - "rose orange flower" • Hietaparta - "lupine flower lilac flower" • dhutchman - "early morn succulent" • AnnaER - "sea water blue" • congerdesign - "sun flower blossom bloom" • Muffet - "cacti" • Alexas_Fotos - "dahlia dahlias autumn" • moritz320 - "autumn autumn leaf fall color" • Intrinsic3141 - "Fungus" • GTorres - "mushroom fungus nature" • bogo8060 - "poland ostpreußen masuria" • whynotzoidberg? - "Fungus" • byrev - "coral flava fungi" • tess/ - "Fungi" • quinet - "Fungus" • - "Fungus" • andy.v - "Fungi"

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