Marine Engineering Kaleb Kohut/7th period

Type of work

  • Marine engineers spend most of their time in their office working on designs for ships like aircraft carriers all the way to submarines.
  • When they do spend their time outside they usually are out on the sea testing there designs in a experiment.
  • marine engineers working on a engine for a sea vessel below.
Job outlook

Many people would think that jobs like these we don't need because its just building a ship, but that's were people are wrong from 2014 to 2024 it is steadily increasing 9% which is above average jobs.

What kind of education do you need to get the job you may ask, well it take a bachelor's degree in marine engineering, marine systems engineering or marine engineering technology.


The pay of a marine biologist is about $93,110 per year making it $44.76 per hour.

The main jobs of a marine engineer are to prepare technical reports on ships, inspect marine equipment; design, oversee, and install marine equipment.



Created with images by WerbeFabrik - "diesel engine marine engine motor" • RonPorter - "hms bulwark naval engineering devonport" • WerbeFabrik - "diesel engine marine engine motor"

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