Tour of the Florida Museum of Natural History By hannah harms

above picture: Black and Red Butterfly (Taken by Hannah Harms)

Nature on Display

Nature on Display

Enlarged Pufferfish (Taken by Hannah Harms)

The exhibit in the Florida Museum of Natural History that I most enjoyed was the underwater exhibit, which examined the lives of many underwater species from both present and past times. I liked the design of this exhibit because it multiplied the size of the underwater species so that museum visitors could see more of the details in specific species. Many exhibits in the museum employed this tactic, but I enjoyed it the underwater exhibit most because I love the ocean and underwater species; I find the study of the ocean fascinating, so this exhibit was right up my alley.

Nature on Display

Enlarged Jellyfish (Taken by Hannah Harms)

The exhibit both captured my attention and taught me new information about my favorite species (like the jellyfish in the picture) through this tactic of enlarging the models for the people to see. I was able to identify certain parts of the species and take in their full beauty through this tactic, which is why my experience in this exhibit was enjoyable. If the fish were their actual size, I might not have been as interested in the exhibit and passed by it on my tour of the museum, which would have been sad, since I love marine life so much.

Hannah and a Large Fish Whom We Affecionately Named "Mateo" (Taken by Hannah Harms)

Even though I really enjoyed the exhibit, my one main concern would be that the enlarged marine life might be a little too scary for younger children, but that didn't necessarily affect my time in the museum.

Nature and Ethics

Hannah and the Patrick the Butterfly (Taken by Hannah Harms)

Nature and Ethics

White and Black Striped Butterfly (Taken by Hannah Harms)

Like Leopold would have wanted, the Natural History Museum provides people a way to experience nature and appreciate it for more than its economic value, instead learning to love and respect the land as he believed we should. The Florida Museum of Natural History allowed me to connect with nature in ways that most people cannot; it allowed me to personally connect with the nature by experiencing a beautiful species (butterflies) in a replica of their natural habitat and admire and respect them and their habitat.

Nature and Ethics

Black and Yellow Butterfly (Taken by Hannah Harms)

In the Butterfly Garden, I felt a new respect and love for nature and its creatures than I ever have before. I sensed that others were feeling the same way; the people in the exhibit reacted to the butterflies with awe and admiration for the species we have on this earth. They showed this admiration and awe by photographing themselves in the garden and with the butterflies and standing so still that the butterflies would land on them. I thought to myself as I went through the museum that I was lucky to go to a school where an actual assignment was to spend time with really pretty animals and take photos of them and around them, and thought about how wonderful butterflies are and their internal makeups.

Nature and Ethics

Daisy (Taken by Hannah Harms)

The Florida Museum of Natural History instilled within me a new respect and love for nature than I had ever had before, even as a earth and animal lover already. It inspired me to be more caring and responsible on this earth and with the resources I had here. It made me feel more responsible for my actions to help take care of the earth as well and help it.

Nature and the Human Spirit

Nature and The Human Spirit

Purple Flower (Taken by Hannah Harms)

One of the best exhibits that helped me step out of my natural, ordinary lifestyle was the butterfly exhibit. The butterfly garden at the Natural History Museum allowed me to better understand and appreciate the majesty of the natural world by learning more about butterflies and their habitat and understanding and appreciating how much I enjoy nature and want to protect/conserve this earth.

Owl Butterfly (Taken By Hannah Harms)

My Pal Yertle the Turtle and Me (Taken by Hannah Harms)

Nature and the Human Spirit

Extinct Animal's Skeleton (Taken By Hannah Harms)

The other exhibit that helped me step out of my ordinary life was the extinct animal exhibit which showed the skeletons of many extinct animals and species. This exhibit helped me understand and appreciate the majesty and mystery of the natural world because it reminded me that science doesn't have all the answers and is like a giant puzzle. Sometimes, scientists can find different skeleton pieces and have to connect them like a puzzle, which made me appreciate the mystery that comes with scientific finds within nature, because sometimes they can be wrong. At times, they're so close to being right, but something is missing.

"Mesoreodon Floridensis" Side by Side (Taken by Hannah Harms)

Candids with Krishna the Pelican-Type Bird (Taken By Hannah Harms)

Overall, the Florida Museum of Natural History gave me new insights about nature and my part in conserving and appreciating it. The museum taught me how to admire nature in its natural habitat, appreciate the mysteries and majesties of science and unknown, extinct species, and enjoy myself within a museum. In short, my time at the museum was a pleasant one, and I cannot wait to go back again.

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