On my honor By lily

Joel and Tony are best friends. But Tony is a big daredevil, and that is where the story begins

Tony wants to climb Starved Rock. But Joel is too scared so he dares Tony to race him in the Vermillion river. They race to an old sand bar. As Joel is swimming he can hear Tony huffing and puffing behind him. Soon enough he couldn't hear Tony. Maybe he was just so far ahead that he couldn't here him any longer.

Once Joel reached the finish line, Tony was nowhere to be seen. Joel walked up and down the river side but still no Tony. Then he saw it, a body shaped something floating face down in the water.

Joel left Tony's red bike and his clothes laying on the ground. He went to get help but the people weren't very much help at all. When Joel got home he had no idea what to say to his parents or Tony's parents.

The police arrived at Tony's parents house and he felt so guilty that he ran outside to Tony's house, he tried to hold it in but he just had to say that Tony was gone. Tony's parents were surprised, Joel's parents were surprised, and the officers were surprised.

Tony's parents were not mad, and Joel's parents were not mad. But Joel was. He was mad at Tony for not telling him that he couldn't swim. But what could Joel do Tony was already gone.

In the beginning, Joel was passive aggressive because he didn't tell Tony that he didn't want to climb starved rock but in the end he told every one that Tony was dead.

A lesson I learned was that being passive aggressive can be conciqnuintial or really mess up your life.

My favorite part was when Tony drowned because there was a lot of action and it made me want to read more.

I would definitely recommend this book because it is really interesting and well written.

And finally I would give it a 9 out of 10 because when I was reading it made me feel really sad about Tony



Created with images by satguru - "River Mole2" • michaelwhitney - "new_fish 008" • AlyZen Moonshadow - "Red bike" • surotez9 - "concept question mark abstract" • Abdecoral - "vehicle police miami beach" • nateOne - "Thank You"

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