Welcome to Our Kindergarten Classroom! Mrs. denny

Take a look at our classroom! The fun bright colors represent all of the fun we are going to have learning this year!

This is the front of our room. This is where I will spend a majority of my time teaching students.

Our Classroom Rules are posted in this area.

Here is another view of the front of our classroom. In the right corner is our Morning Calendar area.

This is the Morning Calendar area. We start every morning here. In addition to our calendar, we have our "Letter of the Week" displayed, our "Sight Word" of the day, and how many days we have been in school. This is also a time where students can share new and exciting news with their peers.

Also located in the front of our room is the Class Library. Located in the library are books of varying levels so all students can find the perfect book. There is also a bench and pillows in the library so students can relax and enjoy reading.

Here is another view of our library. We are always taking book donations for our classroom!

Each student is assigned a numbered tote. Each week I place several books in a tote that meet each student's ability. Throughout the week, students are encouraged to read these books during any down time they may have, such as before school or if they finish an activity early.

This is our window wall. Throughout our room you will find several of these silhouettes. I just think they are a fun way to decorate our room!

Now we are heading towards the back of the classroom. As you can see, students are seated in groups of four. This is to encourage collaboration between peers and promote teamwork.

This is my area in the classroom.

I use these totes to organize my weekly plans for our class. It helps keeps our classroom looking tidy and running smoothly!

On our back wall we have a bright alphabet wall that students reference several times a day.

In the back corner is our technology/toy area. We have class computers that we utilize for both learning and fun. I have also included a couple of type-writers for something different.

This is my Technology Table. Technology is a critical component of education today, and we utilize this table multiple times every day.

Thanks for visiting our classroom!

Images from: http://kindercraze.com/2013-classroom-reveal-at-last/

Created By
Mallory Denny


Created with images by chefranden - "Colors"

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