My Hootsuite Experience @Tyler_Polston42

What I learned from Hootsuite

Social media word collage

Hootsuite taught me many different skills that are very helpful when operating their platform. I learned how to work the overall platform and how to use what they offer to my advantage. Hootsuite provides a platform that allows you to access all your social media accounts at one time. It allows you to see what marketing strategies are working and which strategies need work. It also allows you to engage with your audience at a high level and get results. Hootsuite is a very useful platform and it can help you your business tremendously in social media.

My Favorite Lesson

My favorite lesson while I was completing the Hootsuite certification was the lesson on how to use boards in Hootsuite Analytics. This was my favorite lesson because it showed how to use the boards. Boards are a continuous real time analytic page that allows you to use as many widgets as you want on it. The board page also allows anyone on your team to view them so everyone has the most up to date data. This was the most interesting lesson to me because I thought it was interesting how the data continuously updated itself, giving you the most up to date version of your data.

My Favorite Topic

My favorite topic that Hootsuite covered was analytics. This was my favorite topic because their platform make analytics much easier to understand. I actually understood how to use the boards and interpret the data, whereas on other platforms it was more confusing and I could not really interpret the data the way it should have been. Hootsuite has a great analytics set up and it is easy to learn and use by people who are new to both social media analytics and analytics in general.

Review of Hootsuite

I thought that Hootsuite was a very beneficial platform to learn and become certified in. It offers a lot of valuable elements to run great social media accounts. I think that if you have this platform it allows you to be a head of the game because it offers so many tools that can help your accounts. I cannot think of any improvements that I would suggest for Hootsuite. I think their platform is great and it has all the tools you need to be successful. I will say that just because you are certified does not mean you really know how to work everything on Hootsuite. I would spend time experimenting with how things work and really get a feel for the website because it really does offer a lot of tools that can help you. You should want to know how everything works so you can get the best results for your accounts. I would definitely recommend Hootsuite to other classes and students. I plan to use Hootsuite after this class with my own social media accounts so that I can practice and really understand the platform. I plan on doing this because if I get a job in social media I will fully understand the platform and I will be ahead of the game.


Social-Media-Hootsuite [Photograph found in Google Images ]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from

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Created with images by Brian M Anderson - "Social Media Outsourcer" • Patrick Denker - "Important Message" • KamiPhuc - "Big data la gi" • Margaret Ornsby - "reviews"

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