KB News!

How lovely to finish 2016 with a celebration of friendship and Christmas cheer. As I reflect on our time together, I marvel at how far all the learners have come and I am looking forward to continuing our learning journey after the Christmas break.

We have had a week of celebrating Christmas. The learners listened to the story 'The Missing Mitten Mystery'. The story is about Annie and her dog, Oscar, who had a busy day playing in the snow. Somehow Annie's red mitten has disappeared in all the fun. They look high and low. . . . It's not on the sledding hill, and it's not by the snow castles. But when the sun comes out, and the snowman Annie has made begins melting, the mitten makes its appearance as a snowman's heart. The children then made their own snowman.

The children then thought it would be fun to bring back our very own melting snowman. When the putty material came out of the container Linnea noticed it looked like a 3D shape. When asked what shape it looked liked, the learners said it's a rectangular prism or it could be a cuboid. We then went about constructing our snowman.

Keeping to the snowman theme, KB learners then made their own melting snowman biscuits. First the mixing and spreading of the icing sugar, then adding the marshmallows, chocolate buttons and eyes, mouth and arms.

Last Monday we ventured to the local post box to send our Santa letters. We were very careful that we stayed on the footpath and when crossing the road we made sure it was all clear.

All learners stood on their tippy toes to post their letters.

We say good bye to our beautiful Martha as she moves back to England. I take this opportunity to wish Martha, Noah, Raphie, Sarah and Stuart all the very best as they begin the next chapter of this journey called life. You have left us with wonderful memories to treasure! Thank you!!

I did try desperately to lock Martha in the drawer so we could keep her but she didn't quite fit!!!


Regards, Lyn and Clara

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