Disposable apps Why they fit your customer's lifestyle better

What is a "disposable" app?

A disposable app is a special-purpose mobile Web app that requires no prior download, works across all smartphone platforms, lets your customer perform a task when needed
Key is to fit into your customers' busy lifestyles. Information needs to be made available when needed, in the most convenient and least disruptive way possible.

What are those business tasks your customers have to perform (or want to perform)?

  • Pay a bill
  • Check the status of an order
  • Renew a recurring order
  • Ask for updates after a service outage
  • ...

Ask yourself:

  • How often do our customers need to get in touch with my organization?
  • How frequently would they use a mobile app?
  • Can my organization predict when a customer would need to reach out to access data that they need and we have?
Smartphone users experience an "app fatigue" -- too many mobile apps clutter their screens and lives alike
Customer care apps are rarely used

Example of disposable app, delivered via SMS

SMS reaches intended recipient, is opened within minutes, ubiquitous, easy to use. Disposable app is activated through the tap of embedded URL.

Can you predict when your customers need information?


Predictive Analytics — An Example

Disposable apps improve customer loyalty, are unobtrusive, work on all smartphones, improve outbound outreach efficiency

Created By
Tobias Goebel

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