Tour of the Harn By: Christopher Kelton

In this Spark Story, I will be using images and written narrative to describe my experience at the Harn Museum, by focusing on four different aspects of the tour: how the medium of the art or the technique of the artist contributes to your enjoyment of the artwork, how the design of the museum guides your experience, how the artwork appeals to your core values, and how good life themes resonate in the artwork.

Medium of the Art/Technique of the Artist

This particular artwork struck me, because it is hanging in your face and making you look at it in a 3-D aspect. This rug is much better viewed in person, because then you can inspect the craftsmanship of the rug; you are able to see the human imperfections on the rug. The rug lets you take a peek behind the people that made the rug. It's able to take you back in time to meet and characterize the artist of the rug. It reveals personal details about the artist and envelops you in a different time.

Design of the Museum

This art wing showed Japanese culture in an enthralling way. The entrance to this wing is sharp, open, and makes you feel as if you've entered through the doors of a different experience, in comparison to the other wing entrances that were just empty spaces. This wing made you feel as if looking at someone's personal collection of Japanese culture. The lighting of the wing puts the spotlight on the exhibitions on display. This causes you to dive more into the experience of each display. The space is very open and lets in a lot of natural light making the exhibits feel much more open giving you space to think more about the art. This exhibit makes me feel very open to the cultural expanses of Japan, and it makes me want to look more into the art stemming from Japan.

Art and Core Values
Title of the Art and Core Values Piece

These images show the hard work that we must put into our lives in order to get something good out. In order to live a fulfilling life, we must work diligently in every aspect of our life. This artwork instills a sense of perseverance and determination to continue working through all of the rough patches in my life, because throughout all of our experiences we consistently grow and learn. It helps show me how working hard and being successful in life is not solely pertained to going to school, because not everyone has that opportunity. Sometimes people have to make sacrifices for each other, and this artwork is a perfect display of this value.

Art and the Good Life
Titles of the Pieces of Art and the Good Life

These artworks convey the theme of Fighting for the Good Life by showing the struggle of the common Puerto Rican in their everyday lives, as well as showing the unity that comes through this fight. The Tintorera del mar shows the people working under the sugar-mill workers to be dejected in their work treatment, but it also shows the unity the people have in their fight for a better life in opposition to their tyrannical employers. The Santa Maria shows the influence of other cultures on the Puerto Rican people, and how this influence helps them throughout their fight for the good life. This helps me better understand how in order to fight for a good life in a stronger way, we must be united against our oppressors.


Woman's wrapper, Harn Museum of Art, Personal Photograph by Christopher Kelton

Entrance to David A. Cofrin Asian Art Wing, Harn Museum of Art, Personal Photograph by Christopher Kelton

Rafael Tufino Coffee Portfolios, Harn Museum of Art, Personal Photograph by Christopher Kelton

Lorenzo Homar and Rafael Tufino Sheets of Puerto Rican Music, Harn Museum of Art, Personal Photograph by Christopher Kelton

Intro Picture, Harn Museum of Art, Personal Photograph by Christopher Kelton

Created By
Chris Kelton

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