NET Exam 2017 10 Common Mistakes to avoid while applying for NET Exam

Are you appearing for NET exam in 2017?

Are you aware of the common mistakes that candidates make while applying for NET exam?

Make sure you don't make the same mistake while applying for CBSE UGC NET and CSIR NET 2017 exam.

Having very little or no knowledge of the exam:

Once you have decided to apply for NET exam. Make sure you go through official website & 4-5 good websites to know about the exam completely.

Without this you can not get all the important things about the exam. Read these blogs carefully:

CSIR NET Exam - Official website

UGC NET 2017 - Official Website

Study Plan & Preparation tips: CBSE UGC NET Preparation

CSIR NET - How to crack the Exam

Filling the Form in Hurry:

Biggest Mistake!!!!

If you are in hurry, you're likely yo make mistakes like filling name, academic qualifications etc.

This is going to be bad for you in long run. So, follow these advises:

  • Always fill the exam form in early phase of registration.
  • In last week, official website faces extreme server load & traffic & hence you may face problems during online form registration.
  • Do not hurry. Keep your mind calm, composed & focused.

Filling Wrong Exam center:

By mistake if you choose the exam center, there is no U-turn.

You'll have to appear in test at the allotted exam center. So, be very careful while choosing your center. If you have any doubt regarding this, you can visit official website for the list of exam centers in NET exam.

Forget to Note Down Roll No. & Password

Those candidates who forget to note down their roll no. & password faces last minute anxiety, if the mail & mobile message received from official website are deleted or misplaced.

So note down these important details.

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