SPEAK By: Laurie halse anderson

If you like teenage drama this book is calling your name. Melinda is a teenage girl excited to enter high school. She dreamed of being one of the most popular girl in the school. Until one night that changed it all. She lost everything she loved her best friend Rachel, but most important herself. When she entered high school she was all alone like she said "I am OUTCAST"(Anderson 4).

"I have entered high school with the wrong hair, the wrong clothes, the wrong attitude. And I don't have anyone to sit with"(Anderson 4). Also you can tell Melinda isn't to excited about entering high school and she's self conscious. Although Melinda isn't excited to enter Merryweather high this is where Melinda spent most of her time and where she finds herself.

" I used to be like Heather. Have I changed that much in two months? She is happy, driven, aerobically fit" (Anderson 24). As you can tell Melinda has changed, so what happened that night she says she will never forget must have really affected her. Don't you just want to know what happened?

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