Augusto Pinochet ~had i been a dictator, i would still be governing~

Augusto Pinochet

He was born on November 25, 1915 in Chile. He graduated Chilean Army's War Academy. He moved up through the ranks and on September of 1974 he over threw Salvador Allende. In the first 3 years of his ruling he arrested and tortured more then 130,000 people. He was arrested in October 1998 in London. He was accused for "crime of genocide and terrorism. He later died on December 10 of 2006.

Augusto's birth city Vlaparaiso, Chile.

Power and Authority

He was a military dictator who ruled in Chile for 25 year.


He over threw the president of Chile and that was a major and unexpected change in government. Coup d'etat

Citations and Thanks

Thanks to Google Images for the animations and Birtannica for information. -Britannica

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Vladimir Dorokhov

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