
中美绝不仅是“新冷战” 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源: Axios

作者:Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian

翻译/简评:Judy Anderson





The "new Cold War" started in Beijing


A growing number of experts are warning against what they call a "new Cold War" with China. But many Chinese Communist Party elites already view the rest of the world as a staging ground for competition between China and the United States.


The big picture: The current U.S. debate over China policy is essentially a response to the great power rivalry that China's leaders have already fully embraced.


When people warn of a new Cold War, they are typically referring to one or more of these possible scenarios:


  • Division of the world into competing spheres of influence
  • 将世界划分成相互竞争的势力范围
  • A sweeping economic embargo
  • 全面的经济禁运
  • A military build-up
  • 军事集结
  • At home, accusations of disloyalty and secret sympathies
  • 在国内,对异心和秘密同情的指控

What they're saying: Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, last week wrote that a new Cold War would mean "confronting China" becomes "the organizing principle of U.S. foreign policy."

这些专家们说:外交关系委员会主席理查德·哈斯(Richard Haass)上周写道,新冷战意味着“与中共国对峙”将成为“美国外交政策的组织原则”。

"This would be a major strategic error," wrote Haass. "It reflects an out-of-date mind-set that sees dealing with other major powers as America’s principal challenge."

哈斯写道:“这将是一个重大的战略错误。” “这反映了一种过时的思维定势,认为与其他大国打交道是美国的主要挑战。”

Driving the news: The coronavirus pandemic has only accelerated the downward spiral in U.S.-China relations. “Both governments are trying to profit domestically off the other's failures," Rachel Esplin Odell of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft told USA Today.

推动此新闻的是:冠状病毒大流行加速了美中关系的螺旋式下降。昆西责任治国方略研究所的雷切尔·埃斯普林·奥德尔(Rachel Esplin Odell)对“今日美国”说:“两国政府都试图从对方的失败中在本国牟利。”

First things first — no one actually wants another Cold War.


China's leaders want to maintain the pre-Trump status quo, which for them means establishing dominance over key elements of the future global economy and society such as 5G and internet governance, and stamping out support for liberal democratic norms at home and undermining them abroad.


When Chinese government officials criticize what they explicitly call a "Cold War mentality" in the U.S., they aren't calling for an end to ideological competition or great power rivalry, but rather to U.S. attempts to stymie Beijing's plans.


China hawks in the U.S. aren't calling for a new Cold War either, but it's a risk they are willing to take in order to push back against an expansive authoritarian power.


As Senator Marco Rubio, a leading China hawk, told me in an interview for Axios on HBO, the relationship needs rebalancing but a new Cold War is "not the outcome we desire."

正如针对中共国问题的主导鹰派议员马可·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)在接受HBO频道的Axios纪录片采访时告诉我的那样,这种关系需要重新平衡,但是一场新冷战“不是我们想要的结果”。

Background: The Chinese Communist Party has two different messages — one intended for the rest of the world, and one intended for party members who govern the country.


"If you read speeches that Xi Jinping would give at Davos, or at the Boao Forum, it would contain a lot more language about cooperation, mutual aid, and peaceful and respectful diplomacy between China and other countries, and China and the United States," Victor Shih, an associate professor of political economy at UC San Diego, told Axios.

加州大学圣地亚哥分校政治经济学副教授Victor Shih告诉Axios:“如果您阅读习近平在达沃斯或博鳌论坛上发表的讲话,这些讲话包含更多关于中国与其他国家以及中美之间合作、互助以及和平与尊重外交的论述。

"But if you look internally on foreign policy by Chinese leaders or Chinese experts and the government, those things tend to frame things as global competition between the U.S. and China."


That helps explain why U.S. experts who blame the U.S. for firing the opening salvos of a new Cold War have largely misread the Chinese Communist Party's intentions.


"China can best be understood as a regional power that seeks to reduce U.S. influence in its backyard and to increase its influence with its neighbors," wrote Haass.


What Xi really wants: In one key speech given to party members in 2017, for example, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for China to become “a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence" by the year 2035, and said that China is “moving closer to the center of the world stage."


Xi is interested in a different kind of political and economic dominance, without taking on a U.S.-style mantle of responsibility, such as serving as the world's policeman.


Xi's emphasis on creating a "community of shared future for humanity" with China at its center highlights these global ambitions. This can't happen if a powerful U.S. stands in China's way.


"The challenge Beijing represents is not to Washington’s status in Asia, but to the nature of the global order’s predominant values," Dan Tobin, a faculty member in China Studies at the National Intelligence University, wrote in congressional testimony on March 13.


"While this rivalry differs in many respects from the Cold War, one of the most important differences is that it is a competition to define the rules and norms that will govern an integrated, deeply connected world rather than a world divided into competing camps."


The bottom line: Some U.S. experts deny China's global ambitions, while others exaggerate its threat.


My thought bubble: Neither of these approaches are an effective response to the party's true intentions.

