JayeLynn i love you

There are no words, enough words, or the right words to let you know the joy you bring to my life.

Born with a golden personality.

This album "lives in the Cloud" The pictures, unlike memories, will never fade.


You may have been the happiest baby of all time.

Your uncle Ricky! He is a fine man

One day, and not that far away, you will see you here and you will smile.

Just call me SCOOTER!

Always smiling!


One of my favorite pics

You are absolutely precious!

Hey! "You lookin' at me"?

Just a swinging!

Balance is a must!

I said it before! You are way to beautiful!


Who's afraid of the Dentist?
The lineup?
We be rocking!
Can you say? COVER SHOT!
Me and momma gonna have a baby!
I just love the water!

Bathing Beauty!

My cousins and me!

Hezekiah is in the house!

Hanging out with Hezekiah!
No! I am not a block head!
I can be hard to wake up sometimes!
Get the women and children off the streets! Here I come!
Me and my Barbie at the reservoir.
I love my little brother.
I think having a littler brother is going to be fun!

That's all folks!

December 23, 2016: This is my first album. I will also have an E- Book with ALL the pictures. This album will be changing. It may be copied to another Album platform. There will be a copy you can edit where you can have your own album or save pics to it IF you want to. It is my prayer and my hope that I will get to see you grow up more than in just pictures but I have no complaints because God is in full control. You are special and I hope all those around you know that.

Your grandfather and honored to say that

Mark anthony (Tony) roland

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