Pop Art By Izzy Romano

Pop Art came to in the early 1950's in early Britain and mid 1950's in the United States. The pictures are popular culture in art emphasizing the irony.
Pop Art started as ads or comics to catch the peopes eye. The official term "Pop Art" came to in December of 1962.
Four famous artists from the pop art community are Eduardo Paolozzi, Richard Hamilton, Jasper Johns and Larry Rivers.
Pop Art uses irony and bright colors or images to perceive its special look. It's used mainly for comics, ads and in Britain it was used for educational purposes.
Pop are was given the name because the images catch eyes and show bright colors.
The ten pictures that are shown to explain pop art are the ones used as back grounds in the slide.
I chose pop art because it's my favorite theme.
The things commonly painted in this movements was comics and ads.


Created with images by Ruth and Dave - "Pop art" • PublicDomainPictures - "pop warhol retro" • jackmac34 - "books albums comic" • Marxchivist - "Planet Comics #53" • rus33333 - "graffitti urban street art" • 7sigma - "As Mil Faces de Che" • Luiz Fernando Reis MMF - "Marilyn Show 122" • ► Cristofer - "Colour" • Kim Schuster - "Julia Kay for JKPP"

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