The new global Econcmy MARAM ALISSA

We are in the midst of a technological revolution in all spheres of existence - from finance to healthcare, energy and agriculture. Significantly, this evolution is helping to drive economic recovery around the globe, and provide a much-needed impetus to the slow pace of growth seen in recent years, particularly among emerging economies.

Innovation has thus helped to create new jobs, enhance productivity and increase efficiency across multiple sectors, thereby filling in the gap presented by increasingly complex regulatory frameworks and falling demand for commodities. This year, we have seen growing prosperity in both developed and developing economies, which in turn, has charged them all to push forward with further technological change.

Gobalisation is the movement of people good and ideas around the world due to number of technological advances, improved , transport ,and greater communication . we can new access goods from around the world more easily than ever before .

The new global economy explain what globalization, talking again about the movement of goods and services across the world in Ghosoun seconds / day because of the progress and developments in technology and Alatsalat- insert an image of online shopping or a global company such as the Company: DHL, dominos pizza, and Apple, which now operates all over the world


Created with images by Jorge Lascar - "Sydney CBD" • PredragKezic - "world trade center new york business"

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