Osaka Castle by: Tanvi and Mihika

Osaka Castle is a 192-feet tall Japanese structure located in Osaka City, Japan.
A picture of Osaka Castle in the Spring
  • Built in- 1583 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi
  • Completed in- 1615
  • Basic framework - 13 triangular structures stacked on top of each other and standing on a rectangular prism base
  • Materials- Built with HUGE stone blocks weighing 108 tons
  • Distinguishing features- Colorful and traditional Cherry Blossom trees near the castle, beautiful paint colors, and triangular structures piled on top of each other.
  • Important historical event of the time: Japanese Invasion of Manchuria, which began September 18, 1931
  • Forces of nature that act against the structure- Hurricanes- The castle has survived Typhoon Phanfone and Typhoon Nancy, dangerous storms that hit the coast of Japan
  • Need met- Used to be a castle, but is currently a museum
  • Modifications- Renovations were made in 1931 to make larger and more decorative rooms.

Fun Facts:

  1. Was demolished 3 times; because of natural and man-made disasters
  2. Each time rebuilt, the person who built it made it a different color
  3. Had a special room called the Golden Tea Room, built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Gold was applied to furniture, weapons, and armor.
Since Osaka Castle was close to water, it often faced large floods and hurricanes. 🌊
Sources We Used:😀 😀 😀 😀Our Osaka Blog 😀 😀
Created By
Awesomeness😎🐶🤓 Awesomeness 😎🐶🤓

Credits: Our Osaka Blog

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