Geographical Background

Peru is a diverse country. It also has the most diversity of birds, mammals and butterflies. It has a high population of people, about 39,444,999. It has a different climate than ours. They get summer around December until March and their winter starts around May until September.

Peru-Chile Trench

Peru-Chile Trench got a terrible earthquake in August 15, 2007 that lasted for about 3 minutes. It was 8.0 magnitude and its depth was about 39.0 km. Peru shares the Amazon River and, the Amazon is one of the longest and most diverse river in the world.

Peru Chile is one of the most active tectonics in the world so the occurrence of of earthquakes is very common. The Peru climate is kind of rainfall. Rainy summers and dry winter.


The first video below shows the earthquake ground motion and how strong it was. Its animated and it shows how stronger and higher it was getting during the earthquake. It was very strong in 3 minutes.

In the second video below explains how 2007 earthquake was one of the most shallow earthquakes that occurred in Peru. It was with a magnitude 8.0. It's explaining what happened exactly on that day and how effective it was on Peru. They also asked people how it was and how they felt during the earthquake, people said it was very strong that ground was shaking everywhere. There was about 500 deaths and almost 1000 were injured. It mostly affected cities of Ica, Chincha Alta, and Imperial. 20 minutes after, Pisco got a Tsunami.


The pictures below shows the damages after the occurrence of the earthquake. It shows how damaging it was. Many people had to abandon their homes for their safety.

Plate Tectonic Map

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