What is Good Food? Good Food is Naturally produced, healthy, humane, and comforting.

Good food is colorful, healthy produce. It is clean and free from harmful chemicals.
Good food is fresh ingredients that you prepare yourself. Prepare and create your own food to better enjoy the meal. Be proud of your accomplishments.
Good Food is a home-cooked meal. A meal where you know exactly what you're eating and can make healthier choices.
Good food is meant to be shared with those you love. It brings family and friends together.
Good food encourages to try new things. Step outside of your comfort level and you may be surprised.
Good food is comforting and makes you happy. Good food heals the soul.
Good food is environmentally responsible. It is sustainable and not harmful for the Earth.
Good food doesn't harm others. It is ethical and allows others to live without fear and enjoy their lives.
Good food is real food that was grown naturally, without any unhealthy additives.


Created with images by fotshot - "cow bull horns" • Masahiro Ihara - "Vegetables in Whole Foods Market" • chopchopnom - "pasta cheese egg" • Moyan_Brenn - "Cooking" • kaboompics - "christmas xmas table" • uwlideas - "#Food" • Pexels - "appetizer delicious dish" • fr4dd - "IMG_0165" • tpsdave - "longhorn cattle mother" • jill111 - "vegetables garden harvest"

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