It Gives My Dad... By Aditi


It gives my dad joy when he comes home and sees his children studying. He loves watching us learn and he loves listening to us talking about school.
Watching the News also gives my dad joy. He really likes knowing about the different things going on in the world, and more so in our country.
Finally, being with family makes my dad happy. He loves lauging and talking with his family. Family makes him excited and my dad loves his family dearly.


My dad really hopes he gets a promotion at work. He will be very excited and thrilled. It will also make him feel proud of himself.
My dad also really hopes that he earns even more money at work than he is getting right now. He is getting a lot, but he still wants more!
My dad really hopes for his kids to have a good future. He wants us to be very successful in life, and not have any difficulties.


It gives my dad pride when he is awarded in something. He feels good about himself, and feels like he nailed that specific subject he got an award for.
My dad also feels proud when his kids succeed in something and get rewarded. It makes him feel like he did a good job in teaching us.
Since my dad has a side job of being a Real Estate Agent, he feels proud when he sells a house. He loves being a realtor and will always feel proud every time he sells a house.


It gives my dad pause when he thinks about his career. He wonders if there is going to be any growth in it.
Another thing that gives my dad pause is Trump's policies. He wonders what new things Trump is going to make up.
Terrorism is a concept that gives my dad pause. He thinks why people have to take innocent kids lives away, just for something they want. My dad is against terrorism


Created with images by cluczkow - "tree" • marcn - "Donald Trump"

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