Prisons Bureau Meredith Holton

What is the name of your agency?

Prisons Bureau

Who is the current leader of this agency?

Thomas R. Kane, Ph.D.

What is the website for this agency?

When was the agency established?


What are some of its duties and responsibilities?

"We protect public safety by ensuring that federal offenders serve their sentences of imprisonment in facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and appropriately secure, and provide reentry programming to ensure their successful return to the community."

How does this agency attempt to address market failures?

The prison system deals with market failures with their phone bills. The prison or jail will sign a contract with the phone company with the highest rates and promises to give the highest precent back to the facility, leaving the families paying the outrageous bills.

What are some current issues that this agency is attempting to address?

Crowding and safety, Cost containment, and Facility activation, maintenance, and repair


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