Paul's MissionaryJourney By Rhianna

Paul began his journey from Antioch in Syria; he travelled with Barnabas and they were told by the Holy Spirit to spread the news of Jesus ( example of Evangelism). Both men Paul obeyed God as and they travelled on a boat to Cyprus.

The Christian church had been well established here by this stage. It was during the persecution of Christians in Jerusalem and Judea that many fled to Antioch and the surrounding territories.

Paul and Barnabus preached the word of God in many Jewish temples throughout Cyrprus, after they had evangelised most of the island they came across Paphos.

At Paphos, Paul came across a man who was claiming to be a false prophet (named Bar-Jesus) and Paul punished him accordingly. This lead to the mans conversion and illustrates the spreading of the gospel and fulfilment of prophecies.

The two men then came to Lystra on their journeys. It was here that Paul healed a crippled man and allowed him to walk again. He followed this holy act with a speech and allowed him to spread the word and actions of Jesus further. This was able to be carried out through the presence of the Holy Spirit

They then came to Derbe, which was their last stop before going back to Antioch where they had started. The church here was interested to hear about their mission to the Gentiles. The church at the time was pleased to be expanding its borders and welcoming Gentile converts into the church. This shows the fulfilment of Evangelism within this part of the New Testament.


Created with images by Jules & Jenny - "Stained glass window, St Botolph's church, Boston" • ~~~johnny~~~ - "BOAT" • Anosmia - "St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Cathedral" • nathanh100 - "Map of Cyprus, Undated" • AgnieszkaMonk - "book bible text" • Unsplash - "cross sky clouds" • Unsplash - "starry sky church people silhouette"

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