The Benefits of School Uniforms Victoria Collins

These students are showing unity because they are showing pride for their school by wearing their uniforms outside of school.

Unity is created between students in school uniforms because they get along with each other.

School uniforms help students to unify and work together!

Uniforms will help students to bond and create lasting friendships, which will create unity between students.

school uniforms create unity by helping students to work together and not have useless distractions such as other students' clothes.

Show unity in your school by enforcing a school mandated uniform policy. Students will create unity by working together, getting along with each other, and being willing to help one another.


Created with images by KingTyrone - "School buddies 1" • francisco_osorio - "CL Society 439: Chilean student protest" • FirstBaptistNashville - "Costa-Rica-2007-095" • AFS-USA Intercultural Programs - "IMG_7607.jpg" • Michael 1952 - "SJSA Grade Six - The Year I Rebelled" • hoyasmeg - "Morning Assembly II_4828" • Brisbane City Council - "Students working to design their water security solution at the Future BNE Challenge." • EaglebrookSchool - "May 2000 Mary Ashton Burgh '00 And Friends." • TeenPhotographer - "Holding hands" • sheriyates - "team together hands"

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