Middle Ages Black Death (Bubonic Plague)

The Black Death is a deadly plague disease that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351; also known as the Bubonic Plague. This Plague arrived in Europe through trade ships and killed over 20 million people 25%---50% of Europe was dead! 1/3 of the continent's population. In the 14th century, the plague spreader rapidly across Europe and Decimated- destroyed a very large amount of the population. The Black Death was an EPIDEMIC - a disease which spreads quickly and widely affecting any individuals at one point.

How Does it Spread

The diseasespreads through the air and through the bites of infected rats and fleas. Contagion - the passing of disease's from one person to another by direct or indirect contact. Symptoms include - Fever, Chills, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Aches and Pains, and Death.

Cures for the Plague

Doctors used simple techniques such as blood letting, boil-balancing and superstitious practices such as burning herbs and bathing in rose water and vinegar. Some people thought that the Black Death was a kind of punishment from god- they would punish themselves to say that they were sorry. Some examples of what they uses are Some of the cures they tried included:

cooked onions.

ten-year-old treacle.


crushed emeralds.

sitting in the sewers.

sitting in a room between two enormous fires.

fumigating your house with herbs.

Effects for the Plague

The plague epidemic faded out after three years but reappeared every few generations for centuries. Modern Sanitation and public health practices have changed how the disease spread but have not eliminated it. So many people died there was a series labor shortage all over Europe which to workers demanding higher wagedlandlords refused to pay them. Peasants left the manors and went to cities to find employment. The disease also hurt the church because they didn't understand why their prayers weren't being answered.


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