Lakeview News Friday, May 8, 2015

Welcome to the new lakeview news

We hope this new format will help us convey the joy, the learning, and the story of Lakeview Elementary. If you have photos that tell an important story or capture an important moment at Lakeview please send them with student names to

Incredible classrooms

The rubber meets the road in the classroom, and as principal my goal is to be in classrooms as much as possible every week, in fact my entire calendar is centered around protecting my time in classrooms. To help maintain the classroom priority, I am reporting out my time spent in classrooms to the staff and community to keep myself accountable (5.5 hours in classrooms last week, 6.5 hours this week).

Students visiting Fire Station 22 (top). Mr. Coulter's class prepares letters for their friends in the Learning Center (bottom).
Sienna Cruz (left) following the scientific method and testing if you can balance a raw egg on any day of the year (people say you can only do it on the equinox). As you can see, you can. Myth Busted! Ava Milligan, Emerson Lasley, and Lucy Gallager (top right) touching earthworms for the first time!!!Berke Yilmaz and Hana Jacobs (bottom right) performing their duet recital piece for Ms. Nease's class in music .

Lakeview's New front Office Staff

Debus Frey (Office Manager) and Kristin Crane (Secretary)

We are delighted to welcome Debus Frey as our new office manager and Kristin Crane as our new secretary! As difficult as it was to say goodbye to Mandi and Kim as they moved on to new adventures, Debus and Kristin have stepped in without missing a beat. Debus joins us from Eastlake High School where she worked as the attendance secretary and Kristin was an instructional assistant at Lakeview. Please make sure to introduce yourself and give them a warm welcome next time you are in the main office.

Lakeview Carnival - May 15

Carnival is just around the corner on May 15th from 6:30-8:30pm. We hope that all Lakeview families are able to attend: there will be games, an inflatable obstacles course, a tasty cupcake Cakewalk, along with pizza and other concessions.

Upcoming SBA Testing and scores

Next week we begin the first of three weeks of SBA math testing (3rd grade - May 12/13; 5th grade - May 19/20; 4th grade - May 28/29), so please encourage your students to get enough rest and know that they just need to do their best and not be nervous.

Mt. Rainier (left) and Mt. McKinley (right)

Also, test scores will begin to trickle in before the end of the school year. It is very important to understand the SBA is an entirely new assessment measuring the more rigorous and recently adopted common core state standards. The new SBA test represents a new target. For years our teachers and students have practiced the MSP and the state standards the the MSP was assessing. It was like climbing all 14,000 ft. of Mt. Rainer. The SBA is like now having our teachers and students climb Mt. McKinley instead: many of the same skills and knowledge used to climb Mt. Rainer (MSP) will serve them well on Mt. McKinley (SBA). But the rigor has increased, and we expect the scores to paint a picture of many successes and some new challenges for us to overcome. I know our Lakeview staff and students are up for the challenge!

Playground reminder

Please remind you kiddos that sidewalk chalk is allowed on the uncovered blacktop only so that the rain can wash it away.

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