The Hebrew People The Hebrew people beleive in the word of GOD

This Is A picture of Jerusalem Today

This Is a picture of the hebrew writing. This is a very important thing in hebrew people.

This is another picture of Jerusalem today

This also came from ancient egypt religion


Judaism-the religion of the hebrew people

Abraham-the biblical father of the hebrew people

Moses-Hebrew prophet who led the jews from slavery in egypt

Exodus- the journey the hebrews made from egypt to canaan, led by moses

Ten commandments- moral code of laws that god handed down to moses

David-former outlaw who became king after the death of saul,Israel's first king

solomon-David's son;became king of the Israelites

Diaspora-the scattering of the jews outside of canaan

This is a picture of 1 of the dead sea scrolls

The 4 values of Judaism Are

God,Education,Justice,and Obedience

some women in hebrew society had a few rights

They also had to obey there father and husbands

They did not to choose there own husband,it was chosen by there father

Jewish Traditions

some traditions are the hanukkah, the passover ,high holy days


Created By
Elizabeth McClellan


Created with images by geralt - "cross sunset sunrise" • amira_a - "Golden needle tips" • Provenance Online Project - "Portion of a parchment leaf with Hebrew ms. text of Prophets used as binding waste" • bluskyhi - "israel jerusalem universal church" • Devanath - "ank cross spiritual" • Ken and Nyetta - "Dead Sea Scroll -- the World's Oldest Secrets"

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