Top 10 Takeaways By: Kedrick Chalmers

10.Remember tax day which is April 15. Which is when you give your tax history to the government to get a tax return. Which isn't hard to do because you have until January 1 but don’t wait till January 1 to turn it in because turning in your taxes will be really difficult when it is closer to the due date.

9.Don't get to excited about your Gross pay. Only your net pay because your gross pay is the amount of the money that is fully earned but taxes has not been taken out yet. Your net pay is after.

8.Open in credit is credit that you have more leeway to pay with and can be a little bit more relaxed paying with on time unlike closed in credit which you have to keep paying for until you pay off the whole thing or whole amount like a car.

7.Invest in index funds instead of getting help in the stock market from people pretty much scamming you from your potential prolifigate money. Financial advisors suck deal with it

6.Credit cards? Not in college? Because liability is hard to keep up with when your life is changing so drastically. If you are to get a credit card use it with the up most respect and responsibility.

5. With bills keep it simple.Pay the most you can afford on bills each month.

4.It’s better to change your minimum balance in your checking account often, as in every month or when your budget is comfortable.You changing your budget is helping you in the future and when ever you need extra money, you will have it

3.A job that has the highest pay isn’t always the best. A job that has a slightly lower pay but has benefits is a greater choice in the long run.

2.Start investing early

1.Start saving early


Created with images by VasenkaPhotography - "Money" • stevendepolo - "Receipt bundles for tax accountant small business owner" • cafecredit - "Payday" • Steven-L-Johnson - "Car for sale" • DT - "business office chef" • - "Credit Card With Money Ver2" • FirmBee - "office tax business" • PublicDomainPictures - "bank business cash" • USFWS/Southeast - "Drawing the line of fire" • Freeimages9 - "thai isolated debt" • image4you - "euro coins currency"

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