Art Portfolio Gabrielle Larion

I have taken an art class my freshman year called Interior Design. My goals in life are to go to art school and open my own art studio and cafe. I loved this class and I am very excited to take art next semester. I learned how to correctly shade and what value in a drawing was.

Elements drawing - contour lines
Elements drawing - blind contour
Elements drawing - blind contour
Upside down drawings

Contour is an outline of the shape or form of something. Blind contour is an outline of the shape of something but you look away while drawing it.

Negative and positive space art

This is my negative space drawing. I learned how negative and positive space makes a drawing look more realistic. It gives it definition and value.

This is my before picture of my hand
This is my after hand drawing. I improved most on shading and negative/positive space. My drawing before had little to no value and my after drawing almost popped out from the paper.
This is my profile. I was very successful on the contour of my cheek bones. I think it looks very much like me.
This is my stippling piece. This is one of my favorite pieces. The aliens eyes really show the value and circumference in the eye.

This is my still life. It is unfinished because I was unhappy with how it turned out. There is a few good parts of the picture. In the top left corner you can really see the texture of the globe and the bowling pin. The shape of the globe isn't very symmetrical but it is still shaded very well and gives good value within the picture.

This is my scratchboard piece. It is of a picture of John Lennon. This is also one of my favorite pieces. I like how you can really see the texture of his beard and hair. The value around his hand and around his glasses is very good as well.
This is my 2 point perspective piece. I had two different vanishing points in my piece because of the difference in walls. I had multiple vertical and horizontal lines considering I had picture frames all over the wall. The most difficult part of this was connecting the picture frames to the correct vanishing point.
My before self portrait
This is my after Self Portrait. As you can see there is a lot of improvement. The placement of my eyes in relation to my face improved a lot. I learned how to correctly place my features and I learned how the face is more shading than lines.

This is my conceptual art piece, also known as Ruscha Ribbon Drawings. The shadows of the letters really make it 3 dimensional. Around the 'V' in the word 'Groovy' you can tell it has good value.

Some challenges I encountered through out this semester is being okay with knowing that your art can't always look exactly how you want it. I am a perfectionist and this art class really helped me accept things. I enjoyed art this semester because it was the hour where I could relax and focus on something I love to do - art. I improved on shading and contour the most and it is something I will take with me into second semester art.

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