10 Things About Gabriel Vargas

Hello my name Gabriel Vargas. I born in Clearwater, Florida. My birthday is in May. My family is from Mexico.

Florida, Mexico
Tamales , México

My favorite Mexican Food are tacos and tamales because we eat them on Cinco de Mayo and at parties.

King Cobra , Black Mamba

My favorite snakes are King Cobra and Black Mamba because those snakes have a DEADLY BITE!!!.

Clearwater beach

My favorite place to vacation is Clearwater Beach because I like to play in the water and to make sand castles with my sister.

Godzilla King Of Monsters

My favorite character is Godzilla King Of Monsters because Godzilla fights with evil monsters, he shoots Atomic Breath to destroy THEM!!!.

The X-Men

My favorite movie is X-Men because they fight with Magneto, Evil Mutants, Deadly Sentinels, and Powerful Apocalypse.

Dragon City

My favorite game is DRAGON CITY because you may fight with dragons, there are different types of habitats, you can get dragons eggs to hatch and to feed them to be Powerful Dragons!!!.


My favorite pet is chihuahua because they walk so cute and their fur feels soft.


My favorite sport is Soccer because you get to hit the ball to the goal.

Reebok shoes

My favorite shoes is Reebok shoes because they feels soft inside.

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you learned more about me.


Created with images by Josch13 - "sculpture dragons golden" • Boston Public Library - "Greetings from Clearwater, Florida" • RussBowling - "Cholula, Mexico" • martenh - "tamales mexico food" • Ari Helminen - "Tacos al Pastor" • antriksh - "king cobra cobra snake" • Dick Culbert - "Dendroaspis polylepis-- the Black Mamba" • mike3308 - "clearwater beach florida"

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