
Have you ever been working online and closed out a tab by mistake? It can be very frustrating to try and retrace your steps or find that specific page again!

Luckily Chrome has your back!

Right click on the empty tab.

When you accidentally close out of an individual tab, immediately right click on the new tab link.

Then, select Reopen closed tab.

The tab should automatically open back up!

Go on...TRY IT!

What if I close out of the ENTIRE WINDOW?

We've all done it. If you've accidentally clicked the red X and closed the ENTIRE window that had multiple tabs open at once...


Immediately reopen the Chrome browser and right click on the new tab.



If neither of the tricks above worked, there is always a backup!

Click on the Chrome Menu (AKA the pancakes) and select History. Then, choose the specific tab that you would like to re-open.

Want More Information?

Laura Sprinkle - Digital Learning Specialist
Created By
Laura Sprinkle


Created with images by FirmBee - "office freelancer computer" • PixelAnarchy - "home building wall" • potaufeu - "pancakes" • jochemy - "sweet cake cupcake"

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