Good Life Tour of the Harn by Anish gupta

This piece of artwork was bright and colorful, something that could never be shown in a picture. It put my a smile on a face because of all the bright colors, and that was very striking to me. It communicated just a general, warm, happy feeling to me.

The exhibit of the African history portion really spoke to me. The arrangement of the pictures was beautiful, and a number of the pictures really spoke to me. This one reminds me of one I have of my sister sitting in this exact same position in a pink dress, holding flowers! It reminds me of a childhood which makes me happy.

This picture was of a string quartet. The instruments used reminded me of my childhood when I played the piano (for 10 years). The hard work and dedication and sheer volume of practice I had to do exemplifies some of my core values. This picture is also very colorful and happy, and it furthers my appreciation for said values because of this. I can cherish my values of hard work and dedications significantly more from connection with this piece of artwork.

This picture of the three siblings reminded me of my family. I have two sisters, and the three of us like taking pictures together. My family is my life, and I will stick with them all the way through. This is depicted pretty obviously in this image, and it further reinforces the idea that family is the most important thing on earth.

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