"Who is Malala Yousafzai?"by Dinah Brown November/ December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"Islam is a peaceful religion practiced by more than a billion people around the world. Muslims are followers of the Islamic faith." (p.12)

Based upon the context clues the word "Islam" means the religious faith of Muslims.

"The Pashtun people live in the country of Afghanistan and in the Northwest corner of Pakistan." (p.13)

Based on the context clues the word "Pashtun" means any Pashto-speaking person of Afghanistan or Pakistan.

"Rumi was born on September 30, 1207, in what is the country of Afghanistan."(p.24)

Based on the context clues the word "Afghanistan" means A republic in central Asia.

"Men and boys went to a nearby mosque, a place of worship, to pray." (p.24)

Based upon the context clues "Mosque" means A Muslim temple or place of public worship.

"She watched the cobbler making shoes and helped her mother pick out fruits and vegetables."(p.32)

Based on context clues "Cobbler" means a person who mends shoes as a job.

"A strict and violent group in power -the Taliban- made women obey severe laws." (p. 34)

Based on the context clues "Taliban" means A Muslim fundamentalist group in Afghanistan

"They chose to wear a cloth garment called a burqa whenever they left the house." (p.38)

Based on the context clues "burqa" means A loose garment covering the entire body and having a veiled opening for the eyes, worn by Muslim women.

"But she was glad to be away from Mingora and the sound of exploding."(p.62)

Based on context clues "exploding" means burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion




Created with images by Southbank Centre London - "Malala Yousafzai" • sodiqzul - "monument taman tamadun islam mosque" • ResoluteSupportMedia - "100121-A-3421S-018" • DVIDSHUB - "A Marine Fires on Insurgents in Afghanistan" • xusenru - "moscow cathedral mosque prospekt mira ramadan" • alanlpriest - "Paphos-Cobbler" • The U.S. Army - "Firefight" • ashi - "Burka" • tiburi - "lava stromboli volcanic"

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