Non violent sit-ins Michael Kelly

James Baldwin (16) - "All of Africa will be free before we can get a lousy cup of coffee"
Four college students sit down at local diner to protest in front of whites

There were many diner sit-ins especially in the Greensboro areas around the 1960's. Where African Americans would sit until they were served.

Another Greensboro sit-in

Once the Greensboro sit ins started to kick off, many other states like Alamaba, Baltimore, and South Carolina started to join the non violent protests. Then all of the sudden people across the country, whites and blacks, all started to do the same thing. Many of the sit-ins were around college campuses, where the smarter kids had the knowledge to know how to help stop segregation.

Black students being abused at a bar by fellow white students

Many black students would be asulted at bars or diners because of race. The bad part was they couldn't fight back because of fear of being arrested

Sit-ins were used in the 60's as a way of non violent protest
Woolworth diner was the diner that most of the sit-ins were in

Many restaurants did not allow blacks to be able to go into their restaurants

This ice cream restaurant did not allow blacks in the 1960's

Many African American students felt that they were mistreated in restaurants and in public, so that's how all of the sit-ins were started

Black man being picked on by a group of white men because of race

The idea of the protests was to be peaceful and nonviolent, but when white people started to get involved, sometimes people got hurt. And when the black participants were abused, they did not resist, because they knew that they would be charged by the police.

This article was seen throught the county and was highly publicized

"We had played over in our minds possible scenarios, and to the best of our abilities we had determined how we were gonna conduct ourselves given those scenarios. But we did walk in that day — I guess it was about four-thirty — and we sat at a lunch counter where blacks never sat before. And people started to look at us. The help, many of whom were black, looked at us in disbelief too. They were concerned about our safety. We asked for service, and we were denied, and we expected to be denied. We asked why couldn't we be served, and obviously we weren't given a reasonable answer and it was our intent to sit there until they decided to serve us." — Joseph McNeil.

Hartford, Bruce. "1960." Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement -- History & Timeline, 1960. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2017.

Cozzens, Lisa. "Sit-Ins." Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2017

The Sit-In Movement." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2017.

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