
“当委会”呼吁拜登总统立即将中共定为非法组织 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:CPCD《当委会》| 作者:CPCD | 发布时间:January 25, 2021 /2021年1月25日

翻译/简评:Cathy r |校对:SilverSpurs7 |审核:万人往 |Page:小雨




RELEASE: Committee Welcomes Designation of CCP Uyghur Persecution as Genocide, Releases Documentary Video Confirming This Crime Against Humanity


For Immediate Release | January 25, 2021

立即发布| 2021年1月25日

Committee Welcomes Designation of CCP Uyghur Persecution as Genocide, Releases Documentary Video Confirming This Crime Against Humanity


Committee on the Present Danger: China Calls on Biden to Brand the Party as a Transnational Criminal Organization

当前中共国危机委员会 呼吁拜登将中国共产党冠以跨国犯罪组织的名称。

WASHINGTON, D.C.— On his last day of extraordinary service as Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo formally designated as “genocide” the Chinese Communist Party’s horrific repression of Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities in the Captive Nation its inhabitants call East Turkistan, and their PRC oppressors depict as Xinjiang. Secretary Pompeo declared:


“I have determined that the People’s Republic of China is committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, China, targeting Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups … I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uyghurs by the Chinese party-state.”


To their credit, two of President Biden’s top subordinates, Secretary of State-designate Anthony Blinken and his Treasury Secretary nominee Janet Yellen, promptly endorsed that designation during Senate confirmation hearings this week.

值得赞扬的是,拜登总统的两名最高下属,指定的国务卿安东尼•布林肯(Anthony Blinken)及其提名的财政部长珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen),在本周参议院确认听证会上迅速批准了这一认定。

Compelling support for this bipartisan condemnation of the Chinese Communist Party and its crimes against humanity is presented in a newly released short-film posted this week by the Committee on the Present Danger: China. Entitled “Stolen and Silenced: The CCP’s Genocide of Uyghurs,” this 13-minute video chronicles the suffering of the CCP’s individual victims, their families, and communities.

在当前中共国危机委员会本周发布的新短片中,为中国共产党及其反人类罪的两党谴责提供了有力的支持。署名“偷偷和无声:中共对维吾尔族的种族灭绝”( Stolen and Silenced: The CCP’s Genocide of Uyghurs)的这段长达13分钟的视频,记录了中共的个人受害者、他们的家人和社区的苦难。

“Stolen and Silenced” documents how the Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities are being subjected to brutal imprisonment, forced labor and horrific social policies designed to extinguish not only their culture and beliefs but, as Secretary Pompeo put it, advance “the systematic attempt to destroy Uyghurs by the Chinese party-state.” The film depicts Xinjiang Province as a surveillance state – a virtual prison – where every citizen is tracked by state-operated cameras and given a social credit score based on their activities. Those caught praying or committing other acts deemed as impermissible by the CCP have long been subjected to beatings, rape, incarceration and even murder.

“偷偷和无声”记录了维吾尔人和其他少数民族如何遭受残酷的监禁、强迫劳动和可怕的社会政策,这些政策不仅旨在消灭他们的文化和信仰,而且正如彭佩奥国务卿所说的那样,推动“中共党国有计划地摧毁维吾尔族”。影片将新疆省描述为一个被监控地区——一个虚拟监狱——在这里, 每个公民都可以被国家运行的摄像机进行追踪,并根据他们的活动获得社会信用评分。那些因祈祷或犯下中共认为不允许的行为的人长期遭受殴打、强奸、监禁甚至杀害。

Since 2016, however, such punishments have been immensely intensified and applied to at least one million – and by some estimates as many as three million – ethnic Uyghurs and other minority groups in East Turkistan, who have been ripped from their homes and imprisoned, often for many years, in so-called “reeducation camps.”

然而,自从2016年,这样的惩罚已经极大地加剧并应用到至少100万人——甚至有人估计多达 300万——在东突厥斯坦的维吾尔族人和其他少数民族群体已经被从他们的家园劫走和监禁,经常囚禁在所谓的“再教育营”中很多年。

Uyghur women, demeaned publicly by Chinese officials as “baby-making machines,” are being forcibly aborted or sterilized on an industrial scale. Many of those whose menfolk are in the concentration camps are compelled to cohabitate with Han Chinese men in what amounts to state-sponsored rape.

维吾尔族妇女被中共国官员公开贬低为“产妇机器”, 目前正在工业化规模上被强制堕胎或绝育。她们中许多人的男人被关在集中营里,而女人被强迫与汉族人同居,这相当于国家资助的强奸。

The U.S. Congress has already determined that the concentration camps in East Turkistan are used as forced-labor factories, prompting bipartisan majorities to condemn and punish the CCP for this crime against humanity.


In “Stolen and Silenced,” the Committee presents the compelling personal stories of two victims of the Uyghur genocide whose family members have been “disappeared” and are still missing – lost to the camps. Even living here in the United States as asylum seekers, they speak of being stalked and hounded by CCP thugs looking to force their return to China. Nonetheless, concern about their plight of their family and people compels them to speak out.


Unfortunately, these are but a few of the myriad crimes being perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party within the People’s Republic and around the world, including here in the United States, in violation of American norms, statutes and/or international law. Consequently, the CCP is properly described as a transnational criminal organization (TCO) as defined in President Trump’s Executive Order 13773, Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking. That directive made it U.S. government policy to “pursue and support additional efforts to prevent the operational success of transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations within and beyond the United States, to include prosecution of ancillary criminal offenses.”


Pursuant to Executive Order 13773, the federal government has previously identified a number of entities as transnational criminal organizations, including Hezbollah, which then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions designated as a TCO on October 15, 2018. In the years since, successive U.S. officials have publicly described the CCP’s various criminal activities, establishing the predicate for such a designation of the Chinese Communist Party.

根据第13773号行政命令,联邦政府先前已确定了多个实体为跨国犯罪组织,其中包括真主党(Hezbollah),时任总检察长杰夫•塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)于2018年10月15日将其指定为跨国犯罪组织。从此数年来,继任的美国官员公开描述了中共的各种犯罪活动,为宣布中国共产党为种族灭绝罪奠定了基础。

Taking this step, especially in light of the Party’s now-formally recognized state-sponsored genocide, would help delegitimize the CCP and discourage U.S. persons and entities from participating in, contributing to, or otherwise enabling, its activities, lest they be identified as accomplices. A popular expression of support for such a designation was conveyed on July 23, 2020. It should be executed immediately by President Biden.







编辑:【英国伦敦喜庄园编辑部】Edited by:【Himalaya London Club UK】