Troy Pedroza Amazing Videos ahead!

Favorite Movie of the year. It was my first time using Photoshop and using Freeze Frames.
This movie made us use different angles of them talking to get the best shot of each clip.
Our Beats Commercial. We had to do commercial's and a news segment for this video. Had a fun time making this video.

Where we put all the clips together to make a perfect movie. Final Cut Pro is the place to go.

Where we can make songs that work perfectly for our certain movie. Garage Band

What we use when we don't have our camera near.

A tripod is useful to help us keep the camera steady when filming

Camera's we use to film and get great quality for our video.

Help us get the perfect audio we are looking for.



Created with images by Alexas_Fotos - "camera old minolta" • JosepMonter - "camera video sony" • pablojuliann - "microphone macro concert"

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