Clemson's secret book Callie Askew

Apparently Clemson has a secret book that students have been using for years to leave doodles, poetry, quotes, or just a simple signature. In all honestly it's not Clemson's best kept secret because many students know about it. However, it is a cool thing that brings students together and allows us to leave our mark on our school's history.

To find the book you're supposed to find the reference number first it's like a scavenger hunt. I was a little annoyed that I had to wander around outside because it was cold and windy, but it was definitely cool to find the spot myself.
I went to Cooper and asked for the reference number. The not so secret book was mine (for 2 hours and only within the library)!! Of course, I love all things Clemson so it was the highlight of my day. As you can see above, I am thrilled.
The book was filled with signatures and memories. These are things that I wrote and some of my favorite entries in the book.

The secret book is just another thing that makes Clemson a special place. It gives students a place to leave their mark or leave a message to those who come after them. It's like a written record of the Clemson family.

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