NOW WHAT? WOOOOOOO! You get to scream to the world how much you love DA8 Apparel. We'll just need a bit more information about you first! Send an email to kelsey@da8training.com and answer the following questions: What size shirt do you wear? What's your address? Do you have PayPal, if yes, we'll confirm with your e-mail (We want to make sure you'll get the money you deserve) Whats something cool about you that we should know?

MAKE SURE YOU... Post at least 2x a month about DA8 Apparel on your social media channels (You'll tag us and use #DA8APPAREL so we can keep track.) Sell at least 3 T-shirts using your coupon code to stay a DA8 Ambassador and receive our perks!

HOW CAN I BE A GOOD AMBASSADOR? There are many ways you can be a great ambassador! You can take photos of you in our apparel and get them posted over your social media channels! Make sure you tag @da8apparel on Facebook and Instagram and also use #DA8APPAREL! You can re-post our social media posts! You can tag friends and family in our social media posts! You can hand out your personal coupon postcards to people!

DON'T FORGET! For every t-shirt that is sold with your coupon code, you receive $1! Your friends using that code will also get $3 off of their entire purchase! Better yet?! When you sell 50 t-shirts under your coupon code you'll then earn $2 for every t-shirt sold after that! Practically free easy money, super cool, we know.

You receive 15% off all of our DA8 Apparel when you're are ambassador. Use Coupon code: DA8AMBA



Created with images by gloriagypsy - "concrete cement grey"

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