Caste War of Yucatán By: Sienna Suarez

The caste war of yucatan, was not a revolution!


rev·o·lu·tion ˌrevəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/

noun 1. a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. Must include social, economic, and political change.

Background Information

Like most of New Spain Yucatan was under a caste system, which left the natives (Mayans) at the bottom with almost no power. The Mayans wanted independence from the European Yucatecos. Many call it a race war but it was actually politics that kicked it off. The Yucatecos were planning on expanding on private land of the Mayans for the resource sugarcane and henequen, and let's just the Mayans were NOT happy about that.


At the time, 1847 , Yucatán was ran under a caste system. The officials born in Spain was at the top of the caste who were in control of the Yacatecos. They had most, if not all political power. The Yacatecos enlisted Mayans to fight for them, which meant they had to fight other Mayans and this created a hatred. That's being said the Mayans were planning a revolt against the Yacatecos as a way to gain political power. For a moment it did work because the Yacatecos fled to Merida for a bit. But unfortunately that didn't last long because Mayans were forced to lay down their weapons and get back to work on the fields allowing the Yacatecos to regroup and attack the Maya.

The Mayans outnumbered the other groups of the caste, and still had yet to be as powerful. As the war comes to an end the Mayans were not pacified. And never truly gained that type of power because Eventually Mexico recaptures Yucatán.

The Mayans always served to New Spain.


Economically, the Mayans served as field workers to farm and crop corn and such things. They did much labor for the city and didn't have much benefit from that. Agriculture was their main way of serving to the economy.

This supports the fact that this can not be a revolution because there was no change economically that the Mayans established. After Mexico recaptured Yucatán they were still served as a survival mechanism providing food.


The Mayans were independent for a few before Mexico regained Yucatán.

From a social standpoint, the Mayans did make progress. For a bit they were independent and did have their own communities.


Created with images by DEZALB - "mexico palenque museum"

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