The Franks kelly stamm

Charlemagne frankish king was crooned on december 25, 800 and he became roman pope.

clarmenagne mother was called bigfoot bertha compliment.

clovis was 15 then became king.

clovis was son of frankish king

Pepin the short he was a pope anointed and was a short king.


Created with images by ark - "untitled image" • Luc Van Braekel - "Charlemagne" • waldomiguez - "aachen charlemagne gold" • CircaSassy - "A brief history of mediæval and modern peoples (1899)" • Me in ME - "Charlemagne Sculpture" • CircaSassy - "A school history of Germany: from the earliest period to the establishment of the German empire in 1871 (1874)" • Asp Explorer - "Charlemagne" • Me in ME - "Charlemagne Sculpture" • Olivier Pasco - "Charlemagne in front of Notre-Dame" • KrzysztofTe Foto Blog - "Love affair" • Ken and Nyetta - "Occupied by Kings since Clovis, King of the Franks, in 503 AD, Abroise is one of France's most historic castles and was home to the whole line of Valois Kings" • Elisabeth Milneaux - "The Conversion of Clovis" • ilyessuti - "home black and white cross" • frankbeckerde - "person clinic cross" • Wolk9 - "faith religion maria" • zbigphotography (1M+ views) - "church in silhouette" • frozenchipmunk - "Pepin the Short" • sybarite48 - "Jargeau (Loiret)" • Bernt Rostad - "Statue of Charlemagne"

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