Rivers Goals Project English 2 period 1

Semester Goal

In this semester I will get at least a C as my semester grade in my math class. I can do this by studying for my math tests at least two days before the test. I will pass all of my classes this semester like I did last semester by studying and working hard. I can measure this by how much I understand in these my classes and deciding if I need help or not.

English Goal

In my English class, I will get at least a 90% as my semester grade in this class. I can do this by studying for my tests and quizzes and paying attention in class like I did last semester. I can measure this by how well I understand what we are learning.

High School Goal

I will pass all of my high school classes and get all of my credits by studying, going in for help if I need it, paying attention in class and making smart decisions.

After High School Goal

I will go to college at ASU after high school. I can do this by asking my parents for help and advice and getting good grades in school and working hard. I also want to play football in college if I am able to. I will get a job as well before high school ends and work throughout college.

Personal Growth

I want to get smarter and stronger. I can do this by getting more exercise and studying more for school and start focusing on more important things instead of games and more of school and I can measure this by my grades to see how i'm doing in school and working hard to get stronger by working out and doing other sports.


Created with images by Phil Roeder - "The Pack is Back" • christinejwarner - "Studying" • zwenzini - "Studying" • annekarakash - "mistakes editing school" • Pixapopz - "math blackboard education" • angrias - "arizona state university asu sign" • Monica's Dad - "IMG_6738" • Monica's Dad - "IMG_6152" • keijj44 - "american football football football player" • midiman - "Pumping Iron" • dierk schaefer - "Brain" • Hey Paul Studios - "Brain Anatomy Hoop Art. Hand Embroidered in Pink and Blue."

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