Running Fast and Running Free An inside look at the Southern Oregon University Track Team

The SOU track and field team is composed of a combined group of sprinters, jumpers, throwers, pole vaulters and distance runners. While much of the team trains separately when it comes time for competition the various groups come together to represent SOU Raider Track and Field.

Here's a look inside the SOU sprints team:

Racing to be the best

SOU girls track team running 200 meter repeats on a cold Friday morning practice. Rakayla Tyler, Madison Kansala, Margot Hamman and Lauren McGowne starting the workout off strong.
"Our sport is your sports punishment" -Unknown

While track practices take a lot out of athletes both mentally and physically the team does their best to stay positive throughout the hard workouts.

Team bonding during Friday morning practice. Rakayla Tyler, Madison Kansala, Rikke Rovsing and Savannah Greenwade (left) getting ready to run again. Matt East and Kansala (right) sharing a laugh after practice.
Track can be a very difficult sport which requires athletes to be both mentally and physically ready to run.
Joseph Dotson last year's All American in the decathlon, mentally preparing to run.
Taking a day off from the track, the team trains on the grass to give their legs a break.
Athletes pushing themselves and their teammates to be better. East (left) preparing for his second workout of the day. Dotson (right) giving advice while his teammates run a tough workout for the day.
"As every runner knows, running is about more than just putting one foot in front of the other; it is about our lifestyle and who we are." - Joan Benoit
Tyler getting ready for her last 200 of the day.
Loghan Sprauer preparing to run.
Dotson, Aidan Tank and Loghan Moose congratulating each other after a good workout.

While track and field is often thought of as an individual sport, behind ever individual personal best is team support.

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