Hour of Code 2016 - Tarrawanna public school

What is the Hour of Code?

The Hour of Code is a global movement by Computer Science Education Week and Code.org reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries through a one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming.

Hour of Code @ TPS

This year we had all of our classes participating in the Hour of Code. We used our iPads to learn through the app called Box Island.

Teachers try coding!

The first part of our Hour of Code day was letting our teachers learn how to use the Box Island App. We all had great fun learning about coding and everyone started to get excited about sharing the Box Island App with their classes.


Our first class of the day was the youngest in our school and they did a great job! Everyone tried their best and there was lots of learning happening.


2/3P and Mr Privett were next up and they had a great time. They worked hard and had a few challenges to solve, but everyone stuck at it and was successful.


The senior students of our school were up next and they were looking forward to the challenge of the Hour of Code. Every student was engaged with the challenges and they worked well together to solve the harder levels.


3/4D and Miss Denham were up next and after a term learning about coding with Mr Chin they were feeling pretty confident. 3/4D did not disappoint during their Hour of Code and they quickly completed their challenges. They took on the next level up and they had a bit more of a challenge. They persisted and didn't give up, resulting in some great learning happening.


The final class was 1H and Miss Hart. They enjoyed their Hour of Code time and showed that they have the skills to become world class computer scientists. They all had a growth mindset and did not want to pack up to go home.

What a successful day!

For our first Hour of Code event we were very happy with how successful the day was. All students had a great time and throughly enjoyed solving the puzzles and challenges. A big thank you to all the parents who came and supported the day and even learnt a few things about coding and computer science.

2017 @ TPS

In 2017 we are looking forward to teaching coding throughout the year to all of our students with the aim of developing student's computer science skills. We hope we can develop these skills to create future App designers, video game programers and software developers.

Box Island App

If you would like to download the Box Island App click on the link below.

Created By
Michael Chin

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