Reverting to the 1950's brandy fulton

Flipping back into our history books, we often see a lot of discrimination toward groups of people. Now I cannot speak for people in other countries, because I am unaware of their upbringing in cross-cultural representation, but, discrimination started right from the colonization of North America. With Europeans coming over and poorly treating the Native Americans, it started our country on the wrong foot. Not only did that discrimination continue even into 2016 with the turning down of compensation for Native Americans who suffered sexual abuse in residential schools, but there was a huge spark in racism and discrimination throughout our entire history as a continent.

Now, the reason why I have named this column "Reverting back to the 1950's" is because I strongly feel as though our society and this generation is reverting to that state of mind. Now not saying that we are racist toward people of colour or disapproving of people who are part of the LGBTQ community at all; actually, think of it as we are approving of what our parents and grandparents didn't, and we disapprove of what our parents and grandparents did.

Think about this. In 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to sit in a "coloured seat" on the city bus. Public places had coloured and white bathrooms and different areas for the two parties to sit. In 2016 there was a huge controversy for transgender washrooms, whether or not we should be worried for our families to have different genders in each washroom. Realistically there were people in both the 1950's and in 2016 who were activists towards these two controversies, although one is race and one is gender.

The biggest problems in the 1950's was race and the uncommonly but present gender issues. People were the perfect white Christian or Catholic family. Planted perfectly in a suburban home with the white picket fence and the beagle named Spot. Tattoos were meant for veterans or sailors. Piercings were small or unheard of, and girls wore dresses and men wore pants.

Now look at 2016. Same sex marriage is legal. Race is not a problem, for the most part and you can realistically dress however you want. Tattoos are the cool thing and the more piercings the better. Yet if your opinion is different than mine, or your religion has any sort of history against what I like then I don't like you.

Religious people are not being told to sit on a different part of a bus, or aren't allowed in public bathrooms but they are being automatically judged or ignored because of their history. We come from a generation who attended church every single weekend. We come from a generation that had nothing in the town open on Sundays because that was the day of rest.

However, this generation tends to lean toward not have any religion at all. We see it as silly to have a belief that there is something higher above that grants wishes like a genie if you just pray to it. We have people in our world that accuse one entire religion of being terrorists. We assume that if you are Christian you hate gays, if you are Buddhist you are a hippie and if you are Islam you are a suicide bomber. If you think about it we are assuming that just like people in the 1950's religious people (or people of colour to them) are going to do harm onto their families. We don't want them around us and we don't want them in our houses.

It just drives me up the wall about how much we say we are a fully accepting generation when we have completely forgotten about the things we were accepting of in the first place. We accept people who are gay, who have undergone gender changes and most of the refugees that have come into our country; yet, we still have problems with religion and freedom of expression as well as a girl wearing a hijab or a burka.

We are a generation that needs to google what a completely accepting culture means. We need to get past the history that one group of people underwent and have a broader look on life. Not just on what our parents and grandparents didn't accept, but what they did as well.

Created By
Brandy Fulton

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