
Salem Baptist Church Digital Weekly Encourager Test - April 13, 2021

Salem Baptist Church is excited to launch the new digital weekly encourager straight to your mobile device.
This is one example of the type of screens you will see in the weekly encourager.
We can add graphics from church events.
Pictures from our FB pages.
We can send videos - like Holly Being the Easter bunny!
We can highlight events with photos and text.
  1. ¡ESTÁS INVITADO A UNIRTE A NOSOTROS! Señor déjame vivir el día a día De una manera tan olvidadiza Que aun cuando me arrodille a orar Mi oración será por los demás Otros, Señor, Sí Otros, Que este sea mi lema Señor, déjame vivir para los demás Para que pueda vivir como tú

"Hey Ben, pictures are coming soon for this ministry!!" ~R

Quick Q: Are there no periods in spanish??

Traditional Service in the Sanctuary. WOW - look how young Mark looks! And there's Virginia Hamilton!

The Venue in full swing!

We can add links with buttons.
And create different formats for different mediums across multiple platforms.

Reaching new audiences and congregational members.

This is a test email to SBC employees. Your feedback is appreciated.


Created with an image by mgmsaji - "iphone iphone 6 apple"