Gustavo Lopez Digital Photography 1, 4th period

This is one of my first photos I took during Digital Photography. I was exploring the outdoors, and found an interesting section between bushes that seemed to look like a path through a forest. I took this with the mental image of someone who has shrunken down and is adventuring through the plant life.
This project was called the Grunge Effect, where we took a photo of someone sporting a serious and contemplative expression, and applied textures to the background. I used paint splatter textures, and cracks in cement to create the desired effects.
This was taken when I was testing the focus of the camera, and it actually came out better than expected. My intention was to capture the smallest details on things and have the background be blurred out to emphasize them.
I used the Photoshop skills learned through the Grunge Effect project and applied them to a non-living subject. I felt that using these effects on a photo of a Doctor Strange figure was fitting, since the Doctor Strange comics are abstract and unusual in their art.
Lastly, for this photo, I was wandering outside in search of inspiration. I saw some bees circling these flowers, and it inspired me to capture the moment. I carefully stepped as close as I could to the bee without having it fly away, and quickly focused the camera and took the photo.
Art is my way of escape, my way to express myself and capture what I find to be beautiful or aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I find inspiration through my interests, and my surroundings. My work is unique in that I like to include Lego minifigures as my subjects, they are much easier to place and pose than living things. I like to use Lego because I loved them as a kid, and I still do. When taking photographs, I like to get up really close and capture the detail that usually is not seen just at a glance.

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