My Views on this Class Shelbi Erbentraut

Dear Dr. Sullivan,

I have found that in the time of having this class, there is more meaning into pictures. I have learned that as an author using pictures doesn’t take away from your work it adds to it and brings more emotion into the work and helps convey the message you want to get across. Out of all of the lessons went over in this class the only thing I had any difficult was trying to a real world community. After talking about it in depth in class I finally understood and figured out what mine was for my final essay. To make an essay visually applying was easy to do for me and I enjoyed finding the correct pictures and visual aids. I understood the content a lot and making the content visually applying was easy. I think it was easy for me because I really enjoy making power points for projects or to get a point across. It’s easy for me to find the information and find pictures or videos to help. I think I need to work on being more comfortable with writing on hotter topics, more controversial topics to have a bigger impact on my work.

Be proud of your views and what you have to say

What it has shown me

This class has shown me a lot on how to make my work more interesting to the 20th century reader. It has shown me to look deeper into pictures and really see what the photographer was trying to get across all along. There are so many different ways to get to add visual rhetoric to your writing and it’s easy to do. My writing has grown and has developed from the beginning of the semester by be more details and have more evidence to back it up. Writing has become a little easier then it use to be adding visual rhetoric has made it more fun and easier to read. I know I enjoy reading an article that has pictures and visual aids more than an article that is all text. With adding visual aids it helps break the text up and makes it easier to understand the message the author is trying to get across.

Just like a roll of film we can all develop to become something great and expand to be beautiful!


Created with images by marybettiniblank - "gay tolerance rights" • Unsplash - "rainbow flag gay" • It's Our City - "Palin/McCain Campaign logo" • legalizefreedom - "legalize freedom" • PublicDomainPictures - "film camera photographing"

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