
密歇根州高院驳回上诉,但法官敦促调查选举舞弊 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:Detroit Free Press《底特律自由报》;作者:Clara HendricksonClara Hendrickson;发布时间:November, 2020 /2020年11月 日





Mich. Supreme Court rejects appeal, but 2 justices urge looking into election fraud claims



In what is likely a final blow to the effort to delay the certification of election results in Michigan, the Michigan Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal in a lawsuit filed against Detroit and Wayne County election officials.

密歇根州最高法院(Michigan Supreme Court)周一驳回了针对底特律和韦恩县(Wayne County)选举官员的上诉,这可能是对拖延密歇根州选举结果认证的最后一击。

Michigan Board Certifies Election Results, Republican National Committee had urged a delay.  密歇根州委员会认证选举结果, 共和党全国委员会曾敦促推迟.

With all but Justice David Viviano agreeing, the court denied the request to stop the certification of Wayne County's election results, writing in its order "we are not persuaded that the question presented should be reviewed by this Court.” The Wayne County Board of Canvassers certified the county's results Nov. 17.

除了法官大卫·维维亚诺(David Viviano)之外的所有人都认可,法院拒绝了停止对韦恩县选举结果进行认证的请求,并在命令中写道:“我们不认为提出的问题应由本法院复审。”韦恩县选举调查委员会于11月17日对该县的结果进行了认证。

But in a concurring statement to the court's order, Justice Brian Zahra, joined by Justice Stephen Markman, urged the Wayne County Circuit Court to move quickly and "meaningfully assess" the plaintiffs' allegations of electoral fraud.

但在一份法院命令的联合声明中,布莱恩·扎赫拉(Brian Zahra)法官和斯蒂芬·马克曼(Stephen Markman)法官敦促韦恩县巡回法院迅速采取行动,“有意义地评估”原告对选举欺诈的指控。

"I am cognizant that many Americans believe that plaintiffs’ claims of electoral fraud and misconduct are frivolous and obstructive, but I am equally cognizant that many Americans are of the view that the 2020 election was not fully free and fair," Zahra wrote.


"Federal law imposes tight time restrictions on Michigan’s certification of our electors. Plaintiffs should not have to file appeals following our standard processes and procedures to obtain a final answer from this Court on such weighty issues."


The concurring statement called on the Wayne County Circuit Court to hold an evidentiary hearing to assess the credibility of the plaintiffs' allegations of fraud based mostly on affidavits filed by Republican challengers present at TCF Center.


William Hartmann left talks with Monica Palmer as the Wayne County Board of Canvassers meets to certify the election results. After what was an unprecedented 2-2 deadlock along partisan lines, with the two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers voting against certifying the county's November election results, the board unanimously voted to certify the results late Tuesday night.

韦恩县选举委员会开会认证选举结果时,共和党成员威廉·哈特曼(William Hartmann)离开了与莫妮卡·帕尔默(Monica Palmer)的会谈;在经历了史无前例的2:2两党僵局后,韦恩县选举委员会的这两名共和党成员投票反对认证该县11月的选举结果,周二晚些时候,委员会一致投票认证选举结果。

The decision came the same day the Michigan Board of State Canvassers certified the state's election results, the latest procedural move that formally cements President Donald Trump did not win in Michigan.

就在这一决定公布的当天,密歇根州选举委员会(Michigan Board of State Canvassers)认证了该州的选举结果,这一最新程序上的举动正式证明唐纳德·川普总统失去了密歇根州。

President-elect Joe Biden earned 154,000 more votes than Trump, securing the state's 16 electoral votes.


The lawsuit sought to delay the certification of Wayne County's results until an audit could be conducted.


The lawsuit alleged that local election officials oversaw a fraudulent election in Detroit. In an opinion issued Nov. 13, Wayne County Circuit Chief Judge Timothy Kenny wrote that the lawsuit's claims were "incorrect and not credible."

该诉讼指控底特律地方选举监督官员协助选举舞弊欺诈。在11月13日发布的一份意见书中,韦恩县巡回法院首席法官蒂莫西·肯尼(Timothy Kenny)写道,该诉讼的主张是“虚假而又不可信的”。

On Nov. 16, David Kallman, the attorney who filed the lawsuit on behalf of two Wayne County voters, asked the Michigan Court of Appeals to reverse the lower court's ruling. That day, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued an order by a three-judge panel granting the motion for immediate consideration but denied the application for leave.

11月16日,代表韦恩县两名选民提起诉讼的律师戴维·卡尔曼(David Kallman)请求密歇根上诉法院推翻下级法院的裁决。当天,密歇根上诉法院发布命令,由三名法官组成的小组批准了立即审议的动议,但拒绝了许可的申请。

Trump Team Files Lawsuit in Michigan to Halt Vote Count 特朗普团队在密歇根州提起诉讼,要求停止计票工作

Kallman subsequently asked the Michigan Supreme Court on Nov. 17, the day the Wayne County Board of Canvassers certified the county's results, to immediately consider the request for leave and reverse the circuit court's ruling.


On Monday, the court denied the request.


The plaintiffs in the lawsuit had cited a constitutional right to request an audit of the election to delay the certification of Wayne County's results. In 2018, the same ballot proposal supported by Michigan voters that amended Michigan's constitution to give every voter the right to vote absentee for any reason also gave voters the right to have the results of statewide elections audited "to ensure the accuracy and integrity of elections."


Zahra, joined by Markman, argued that the right to a post-election audit cannot occur before election results are certified. Michigan's constitution, "does not require an audit to precede the certification of election results. On the contrary, certified results would seem to be a prerequisite for such an audit."


While the court did not stop the certification of Wayne County's election results, Zahra argued that the trial court should take up the lawsuit's claims of election fraud. He called the allegations of fraud and irregularities asserted in the lawsuit "troubling and serious," and highlighted the affidavit filed by Sen. Ruth Johnson, R-Holly, who served as Michigan Secretary of State from 2011 to 2019 and called the lawsuit's claims of fraud "very concerning."

虽然法院没有停止对韦恩县选举结果的认证,但扎赫拉认为初审法院应该受理有关选举欺诈的诉讼。他称,诉讼中声称的欺诈和违规行为“令人不安且事态严重”,并强调了2011至2019年曾在密歇根州担任参议员的露丝·约翰逊(Ruth Johnson, R-Holly)提交的证词,称该诉讼中的欺诈指控“非常令人担忧”。

In a dissenting statement, Viviano, argued that it remains an open constitutional question whether the right to request an audit as granted by the passage of the 2018 constitutional amendment can occur before election results are certified. "It is imperative to determine the nature and scope of the audit ... so we can determine when the audit occurs and whether it will affect the election outcome," Viviano wrote.


With Michigan certifying its election results Monday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is now required under state law to certify the state's presidential electors scheduled to convene Dec. 14 to cast the state's votes in the Electoral College.

密歇根州周一将公布选举结果,根据该州法律,州长格雷琴·惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)现在必须认证该州定于12月14日在选举团投票的总统选举人。

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】