MASSACHASETTS FOUNDED1630 Cheyenne Glacken 1630

the Plymouth colony was found in 1620 by the pilgrim father John Winthrop .They sail on the mayflower.The settlement they stared in the america was called the Massachusetts bay colony was settle in 1630 by a group from England.

they are catholcism.

religion mintnory group who migrated to the new england.

the puriatiansw belives that the anglican church needed to be purifed of the fluences of catholicim

the geograpny of new england.

there are mountains think with trees in there is poor rocky soil that was difficult to farm and unsuitable for crops. it was will hard to farm in this area.


Created with images by Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL - "A map of the most inhabited part of New England : containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situat" • The Wandering Angel - "Enlighten"

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