William Shakespeare Ariana maRtinez, Period 1

William Shakespeare has been a great influence throughout history. Many people studied his works, use of language, and his after life. Works:

Quote #1: "His works have been translated into a remarkable number of languages, and his plays are performed throughout the world."

Commentary: Shakespeare’s works from his time of days could not be understood in today's English language. His style of writing was different from some of today's writing. Experts have translated them so we may be able to understand.

Quote #2: "Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays, two major narrative poems, a sequence of sonnets, and several short poems.”

Commentary: He was a very creative person who dedicated lots of his time in writing. It was a wonderful thing because other writers may sometimes use his style in today's writing.

Quote #3: "His plays continue to be performed, studied, and appropriated worldwide, and he is credited with introducing 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases into the English language."

Commentary: The well-known phrases that Shakespeare has introduced to the world is sometimes used in our everyday language. They are used to help express ourselves and communicate with others in a better way.

After life:

Quote #1: Shakespeare Library, Folger " an independent library in Washington, D.C., houses one of the world's most important collections of books by and about William Shakespeare."

Commentary: I wonder what could have gave the people the idea to name the library on William Shakespeare, the "Folger" library. Could the name in any way be related to Shakespeare? It's amazing how this library has been created for information on all about Shakespeare.

Quote #2: "Scholars from all parts of the world come to the Folger Shakespeare Library for research in Shakespeare studies, history, and literature."

Commentary: Shakespeare was a smart guy which is why he is a well known person throughout history. His plays and writings are very meaningful which make people want to learn more about him.

Quote #3: "Miners' enthusiasm for the Bard became so great in Virginia City, Nev., that at one time five different companies were performing Shakespeare there simultaneously."

Commentary: His plays have become very popular that many companies performed his plays. It’s also kind of funny that they even play Shakespeare in the western side.

Quote #4: "In 2010 the Trust, along with Staffordshire University’s Centre of Archaeology, launched a public research project to explore the remains of New Place and discover more about Shakespeare’s life there."

Commentary: He is such a great influence that many people still do research on Shakespeare.


Quote #1: "Shakespeare had a tremendous vocabulary and a corresponding sensitivity to nuance, as well as a singular aptitude for coining neologisms and punning."

Commentary: His tremendous Vocabulary and his different ways of meaning and expressions were what influenced others. We all use his use of language in today’s world.

Quote #2: "..common words as assassination, bump, eventful, go-between, gloomy, and lonely, as well as such familiar phrases as fair play, a forgone conclusion, and salad days."

Commentary: These are all examples of the everyday language we use that Shakespeare came up with.

Quote #3: "Many words and phrases that first appeared in his plays and poems have become part of our everyday speech."

Commentary: His plays and writing were not the only influences he had on people but the use of language he used.

Works Cited

“Folger Shakespeare Library.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 9 Dec. 2016.

Hogeboom, Willard L. “William Shakespeare Went West, Or At Least His Plays Did, And The Bard Was A Hit On The Frontier.” Wild West 13.6 (2001): 60. History Reference Center. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.

Lander, Jesse M. “Shakespeare, William.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.

RAVILIOUS, KATE. “The Bard At Home.” Archaeology 69.4 (2016): 44-47. History Reference Center. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.

“William Shakespeare.” Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2016): 1-4. History Reference Center. Web. 30 Nov. 2016


Created with images by Boston Public Library - "Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories & Tragedies [Title page]"

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